Sunday, November 21, 2010

International food and movie night- C

My friends and I wanted to experiment with different international foods since we love eating, obviously, and learning about other cultures. Shelby hosted this event in November. We spent Friday afternoon at her house making latkes, arepas, curry, lentils, plantains and Japanese rice  cakes called onigiri. We also watched Pan's Labyrinth in Spanish to practice comprehension, and we had a brief discussion on Franco's dictatorship (total of 5 hours). We had a lot of fun cooking, and it was interesting trying to make everything vegan or vegetarian because three of us are one of those. Some of the food might have tasted better if we used butter and cheese, but it was fun anyways.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Open house video for French I and II- C

My French II teacher, Madame Kerroumi, asked me to make a video of a 7-minute play to show at open house. I went after school to film the tenth graders, and as it turns out, I ended up having to memorize one of the characters' part in 20 minutes because the girl playing that part was absent. So in addition to doing what I had expected, I found out that I am actually good at memorization, even in another language! It was successful by our second run-through, and left only editing to do. I used iMovie for the first time in 3 years, which proved a challenge, but the short video turned out great. As another last-minute addition, I also had to translate the script from French to English so that the parents could follow along with what the students were saying (total of 5 hours). I find that film is an easy and effective way to document anything, and Madame said that it was a success and all of the parents enjoyed seeing some of their kids perform.